Generate barplot of identity group composition Thanks to the SCOPfunctions package Generate a percentage barplot that shows the composition of each identity (e.g. sample)in terms of groups (e.g. positive and negative cells for scPagwas)
vec_group_colors = NULL,
f_color = grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 11, name =
do_plot = FALSE,
title = NULL,
p_thre = 0.05,
fontsize_title = 24,
fontsize_axistitle_x = 18,
fontsize_axistitle_y = 18,
fontsize_axistext_x = 12,
fontsize_axistext_y = 12,
fontsize_legendtitle = 12,
fontsize_legendtext = 10,
aspect.ratio = 1.2,
output.prefix = "Test",
output.dirs = NULL,
width = 7,
height = 7
- seurat_obj
Seurat object (Seurat ^3.0).
- var_ident
the identify variable, character.
- var_group
the group variable, character.
- vec_group_colors
a vector of colors, named by corresponding group. Length must match number of groups. Character.
- f_color
if vec_group_colors is not provided, the user may instead provide a function f_color() that takes as its only argument the number of colors to generate.
- do_plot
Whether to plot, logical.
- title
NULL to leave out.
- p_thre
threshold for p value.
- fontsize_title
NULL to leave out.
- fontsize_axistitle_x
NULL to leave out.
- fontsize_axistitle_y
NULL to leave out.
- fontsize_axistext_x
NULL to leave out.
- fontsize_axistext_y
NULL to leave out.
- fontsize_legendtitle
NULL to leave out.
- fontsize_legendtext
NULL to leave out.
- aspect.ratio
default is 1.2.
- output.prefix
prefix for output files.
- output.dirs
directory for files.
- width
figure width.
- height
figure height.
load(system.file("extdata", "Pagwas_data.RData", package = "scPagwas"))
seurat_obj = Pagwas_data,
var_ident = "anno",
var_group = "positiveCells",
vec_group_colors = c("#E8D0B3", "#7EB5A6"),
do_plot = FALSE
#> Error in x[[i, drop = TRUE]]: ‘Random_Correct_BG_adjp’ not found in this Seurat object